Worship With Us
Worship With Us in Person or Virtually on YouTube or Zoom on Sundays starting at 10:30 AM.
All services will be live-streamed on YouTube and archived there for future viewing by visiting:
Our 2025 services starting with most recent
Online Worship FAQ:
Will I be able to see what's happening? Will people see me? If you have a screen on your computer or phone, you will be able to see the participants in worship (e.g. - Pastor Gary) You can choose whether to show your video or not during the service. If you choose, we will allow your face to pop up when you speak, but otherwise, please keep your "mute" button on, and participate more during our virtual fellowship time.
Children’s Christian Education
Our children’s program meets in person on Sundays during our 10:30 service.
All families/kids/teens are welcome to participate in either Sunday School, mission work, community building, and always fun fellowship.
email education@bwumc.org for info
We are happy to pray with and for you!
Please watch our most recent service on video below.
(Click the image below to start the video)
Our latest recorded video of our weekly Sunday Service
Here is a recording of announcements from each week
Who We Are
We are a people on a journey together with God and with one another to renew God’s spirit in us, to reflect Jesus and His love to one another, and to return God’s blessings to the hurting world. On this journey we celebrate all persons as God’s sacred and precious children regardless of age, race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, mental and physical abilities and welcome them into the full participation in the life of this beloved community. We invite all to this journey to live justly, to love boundlessly, and to walk humbly with God and with all, one day at a time.
In light of the vote at the special session of the UMC general conference we want to affirm that we are an inclusive congregation, and all are welcome here.
Join us for Recovery
Our ministry with the recovery community began in 2002 at the Watertown site, and continues to this day in both of our locations. If you have a question regarding recovery meetings that take place at our churches, please email office@BWUMC.org.
Connect With Us
We stay in touch with each other through a program called REALM. It is user-friendly and non-intrusive. To get the latest church information, please sign up! All are welcome; you do not need to be a member of BWUMC.
Serve With Us
“ Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”—John Wesley
At BWUMC, we seek to do all the good we can through a variety of missions and ministries, from local to international. You are welcome to join us!
Easy ways to contribute to the work of the church:
Belmont Site:
421 Common St. Belmont, MA 02478
Watertown Site:
80 Mt. Auburn St. Watertown, MA 02472